Case 9: Pishing For Money
1. Explain the difference between spear pishing and bulk pishing. Which of the two forms of pishing do you think is most difficult to spot by victims and why?
Spear pishing: It is a social engineering attack, in which the perpetrator is shown as a trusted individual, usually there is a link in a spoofed email, text message or instant message.
Bul pishing: It uses confidential information about the individual or about the organization, they are classified in databases and the Cyber criminals send personalized emails to them.
2. The CEO of your company received a fraudulent email and made a payment to digital criminals. He wonders now whether he should contact the police. What factors should he take into consideration before taking a decision?
The CEO Should consider the negative effects before making it public, depending on the company, this kind of situations can damage the image of the company.
He has to know what is the Cyberattack, the demands and the strength of the criminals.
Take into consideration the amount of money stolen.
See the repercussions in the long run for the company
3. Dashlane advises clients to send emails without attachments. Do you think that no adding attachments to emails will help protect companies against phishing stacks?
No, it will not change anything, the best way to reduce the cyber-attacks is by creating a department specialized in that, it is a huge investment but is better instead have a bad experience and lose much quantity of money or even the bankruptcy.
4. Give two pieces of advice to a company or individual on increasing protection against a phishing attack.
Create a new department like IT security.
Make a tracing about it.